What is Taekwondo and how is it different from other Martial Arts?
The different martial arts all originated in different countries, thousands of years ago, as forms of military training. Karate comes from Japan and Kung Fu from China. Taekwondo is native to Korea. Taekwondo has grown to become the most popular form of martial arts practiced in the world. In terms of techniques, Taekwondo emphasizes kicks more than other martial arts, making it ideal for improving balance, flexibility, and endurance. Kicking is also a powerful form of self- defense for students of any size.
What are the benefits of Martial Arts?
The Benefits of Martial Arts looks like a fun activity for people of all ages to get in shape and improve their over health. In fact, most people believe that Martial Arts training is “just about kicking and punching…” But studies show the physical fitness benefits are just one component of the life-changing transformations that Martial Arts different from other sports and fitness activities is the way it strengthens the mind as well as the body. The life skills taught by an exceptional Martial Arts instructor will contribute to a student’s success off the mat for years to come.
Can students with special needs or physical challenges learn Taekwondo?
Our experienced instructors have worked with a wide range and spectrum of students over the past twenty-five years. In many cases, we have been able to successfully connect, communicate, and challenge students in a manner that matches their needs. Every situation is different, and we are always willing to meet with and evaluate any potential student to determine how Taekwondo could best be taught to them.
At what age can children start Taekwondo?
Our experience has shown that children ages four and up will be able to achieve the greatest benefits from Taekwondo training. Starting at age four, your child is eligible to participate in a trial lesson, which will allow our instructors to work with them and evaluate their readiness for group classes. Our staff will then use their experience to recommend the best program for your child.
How safe is it to learn Taekwondo?
Taekwondo is safe and fun for students of all ages and physical abilities. Classes are supervised by expert instructors. All students are taught techniques in a step-by-step manner and at their own pace. A thorough stretching routine, matted flooring, and the use of protective safety equipment are all part of our commitment to ensuring student safety.
What if I’ve never done it before and I’m out of shape?
Our program makes it easy for new students of all fitness levels to get started. In addition, the belt system used in Taekwondo allows all students to train at their own pace and improve their physical condition gradually. Classes begin with warm-ups and stretches, and we incorporate conditioning drills throughout the training. Essentially, you’ll be building your fitness level and conditioning while you train.
My child hates sports-won’t they hate Martial Arts too?
Some kids who come to us are resistant at first, but Martial Arts instruction is both FUN and ACTIVE. Many kids think that Martial Artists are cool like a NINJA and that can help them stick with it even if it’s hard at first.
What skills will my child learn to help themselves do better in school?
Taekwondo training teaches Focus, Discipline, Self-Control, and Respect. These traits help children let go of petty grievances and learn to pay attention to the things that are most important to their future success.
My child has temper tantrums and is disrespectful to me and to others. How can studying martial arts change that?
Studying martial arts change that? Respect is at the core of everything we do in the taekwondo school. Kids who study martial arts must respect their instructors and fellow students, and we find that they learn to respect parents, teachers, and siblings at the same time. Meaning, learning how to respect others and having less anger issues will have to start with a calm, stable mindset.
Can martial arts help my child have faith in their abilities?
Yes. Kids who study martial arts learn that hard and persistent work pays off. Each small success helps children believe in themselves and have faith they can achieve their next goal.

Come See for Yourself!
It’s always a good idea to personally visit the school you are considering. Meeting the instructors and seeing the facilities up close will give you a better feel for the type of experience you can expect to receive in the future. We invite you to come see what a difference Master Lee’s Martial Arts classes can make for you!
Our special trial program includes free uniform, one private class, and two group class taught in a positive, encouraging environment. Ideal for beginner-no experience necessary.